
Friday, 29 March 2019

Drama Week 9 / Final Week

This week was our final week of drama and we did our performance on Friday. We normally have drama Tuesdays and Fridays, I wasn't here on Tuesday. Also my group changed the performance on Tuesday that we were preforming on Friday. Today was Friday and we didn't have time to practice so I just copied what my group did.

My video was about spiritual well being and also healthy eating in one video, after watching it I look so weird and I guess I was just really really nervous.

This is my groups link to our final performance.

That's what we did on the last week of drama.

Some photos from drama this term:

Thursday, 28 March 2019

My Learning Story For Science

This is my learning story that I had to make to recount what I did well and what values I showed in science.

This is it....

The thing I achieved in people smart on the graduate profile is, I listen to understand people’s ideas and opinions. I think I could do this sometimes before but now I think I got better and better by obviously listening to the teacher and listening to my group. I think the reason I got better is because I haven’t just been in 1 group with the same people, I have been in a group with different people and I think that helped me.

I also sometimes told my ideas and opinions with some people but I think I got a little better but I’m not the best at it. I think the reason I can only do this sometimes because I get really shy with people I don’t know but if I get to know the person I’m ok to share my ideas with you. With people I didn’t know that well before we did science and now it’s easier to talk about my ideas and opinions with people in the other class.

Also at the start of the term I used to not have my work finished but after a few weeks I got used to the time we had to have our work done and I finished all my work and also my work I didn’t finish most of the time. But now if I don’t get my blog post finished is because I wasn’t there to do the experiment or I wasn't there when we had time to work on it.

I always listened to other people’s ideas and opinions but I think I got better and better this term in science. At least I think I did listening to my different group ideas and the teacher telling us how to do the experiment. Also listening to the teachers to do our blog post. Also I got to listen to other people’s ideas with people that I didn’t even know before science I know now.

I think my teachers can trust me to go on my device and do my work on my own. Because I think I’m responsible and the teachers can trust me on my chromebook without me going on youtube, games or anything else like that. Because I stay on the right thing that I’m supposed to be on ever since I’ve been using a chromebook. I first started using chromebook for my work in yr 4 and I got my own in yr 5.

My favourite experiment was the crystal experiment because it was cool to see the crystals that formed and see what ones didn’t form. Also seeing peoples crystals the same ingredients and didn’t form crystals . Also who had the same ingredients as me and did form smaller or bigger crystals than mine. I think science is cool but its not my favourite subject ever.

That's my whole learning story, bye.

Friday, 22 March 2019

Drama Week 8

This week in drama we have been working on our performance. So far Danni is the coach and I'm the motivator that also helps the coach pulling out the plug to the TV. Lily and Zoe are pretending to be the lazy people that get motivated.

Also today we were working on a interview that we actually filmed on Meleana's Chromebook and I filmed some of the behind the scenes on my Chromebook. We kind of forgot to turn the microphone on the first time we filmed the behind the scenes so we had to do do the voice over right before we finished this.

I tried to show the video but it won't work

We were a bit crazy but we did our work and also finished what we needed to finish. It was pretty fun to do this especially to record the actual video and the behind the scenes.

That's what we did in drama this week.

Science Week 8

Today in science we did a science experiment and made sherbet.

Aim: To learn about the makeup of different white powders.

There are  a number of different white powders in our everyday life. Some of these are harmful and others are not. Test the four white powders listed to see which one has been found at the airport.

Here are some examples of everyday kitchen white powders.

Flour, Cornflour, Sugar, Salt, Baking Soda, Baking Powder, Icing Sugar, Tartaric Acid

Citric Acid, Gluten Free flour

You will be given a small amount of 4 white powders on your cardboard. On the black cardboard using a magnifying glass look at the powders.
Look at them under your magnifying glass and record what you see. 

These are the four powders we will be using. Upload a photo of each powder. 

1.  Cornflour
2.  Baking Soda
3.  Salt
4.  Sugar 

Before you add the iodine, vinegar or water you will need to divide each powder into 3.


1.  Iodine
2.  Water
3.  Vinager
4.  Paper
5.  Pen
6.  Chromebook 
7. Corn flour
8. Sugar
9. Salt
10. Baking soda
11. A ruler


1. Get in a group of 4
2. Make 4 squares on the piece of paper with a ruler
3. Put salt, sugar, baking soda, corn flour / put each of them on their own square.
4. Put all the powders in 3 small groups but keep them in the square the big pile was in.
5. Put one liquid on 1 group of each powder, my group started on Iodine, then vinegar and we ended with water
6. Write down what happened


Baking Soda
Like tiny cubesLittle tiny crystalsSmoothCube and smooth at the same time
Tiny hard cubesKind of hard but then notAlso smoothSoft but also weird
Like nothing reallyKind of badDisgustingWeird
brown, light and dark grey, wet, Brown and yellow, looks kinda weirdGoing hard, Still mostly white
Kind of light grey and dark greyharder, crystal like, whitewhite, looks the same, bubbly alsooobleck
light greyClear, harderdarker than it startedkind of dark and then not

Write a paragraph about your findings. 

I think it was really cool to see what reacted to what and also what didn't react. I think the one that reacted the most was the water and baking soda because it went all bubbly and it looked cool.

Making Sherbet

Once you have completed your blog and cleaned up all your equipment you can make sherbet.
Using the following recipe you can make sherbet.
Sherbet recipe


1 tsp of powdered drink crystals (eg refresh)
1/4 tsp citric acid
1/2 tsp icing sugar
1/4 tsp -baking soda.
Put all ingredients into a zip lock bag, stir, and enjoy.


1.  Zip lock bag
2.  Baking soda
3.  Icing sugar
4.  Citric acid
5.  powder drink crystals
6. Hands to shake the bag


1. Put all the powders in the zip lock bags
2. After you got all your ingredients go back to your table you did the powder experiment before we made the sherbet
3. Shake the bag until everything mixed up
4. Then enjoy

It was pretty easy to make and it was also pretty good but I could taste the baking soda.


Good but I could taste the baking soda a lot
Pink / Purple

What has happened in my story already

In the beginning of the story the queen just had a baby girls and she was so happy but when her friends
Marcia and Alther came to see the baby an assassin came to kill the queen and her baby.
They managed to get the queen but Marcia and Alther tried to keep the baby safe without them getting
hurt. Alther and a shield around him but he gave it to Marcia and the baby princess.
Alther got shot right near his heart after that Marcia hid the baby princess under her cloak and ran to the
wizard tower. When they got to the wizard tower, she took care of the baby princess.
A few days later she gave the baby to her friend Silas and they named her Jenna.

But for the next 10 years Jenna lived a normal life like a normal girl until her 10th birthday. Marcia went to Silas house and told him that's it is not safe for Jenna to be there anymore. Then when Jenna heard them say that she didn't know what they were talking about so obviously Jenna asked questions then Marcia and Silas told Jenna the full story about how she's the princess. After that she had to run to the wizard tower and then they saw a boy and rescued him from the freezing cold water / ice / snow.

After that she went on a quest and to go to her Aunt Zelda's house and explore there. In the middle of her quest to go to her Aunt's she saw a Bogart. She thought itv was a monster but Silas knew him. Bogart showed Jenna and her friends / family where to go.

The next day they went exploring and Boy 412 the boy they rescued got stuck in a black hole.

That's all that happened.

Reading Week 8

In reading today we were reading a book called My Name Is Rez. It was a book about her childhood and what she ended up doing as an adult. Her parents are from Pakistan

1. What country was Rez from? / She is from the Pakistan part of Iraq then she moved to Iran, after Iran got to dangerous for the family they became refuges then moved to New Zealand a few months before she was 7.

2. Why did she have to leave? / There were no Pakistan thing left in her country where her parents are from, and they left Iran because it got to dangerous.

3. How did you think she felt when she moved to New Zealand? / I think she felt good but when she started school she was very nervous. Kids also bullied because when they say how are you she only knew how to say My Name Is Rez at the time.

5. What were some of her accomplishments? / She became a lawyer, she helps other refuges, she was named Young New Zealander Of The Year. Also she think about what the people who bullied her would say now.

I hope you like my work for reading.

Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Community Impact Projects Week 8 Part 2

After kiwi can my class came back to CIP and they already started sorting the rubbish from last week into different bags of different kinds of rubbish. There was a wrappers pile, cans pile, glass and others that I can't remember.

After we finished putting the rubbish into piles we went out without bags and just picked up rubbish from around the school. When we got the rubbish we just put it in the bin. We all just went out not in groups but I was walking around with Danni and Shalizeh. We just went around picking up rubbish and talking at the same time. It was fun to do it with my friends, but the picking up rubbish wasn't the best part but we had to do it.

That's basically all I did.

Community Impact Projects Week 8

Today we were talking about what art work we should do or an idea of what art work we should do. We had 3 ideas, making a poster and hanging it up somewhere people can see it, a big H, or a native bird. The 4 classes did a vote of what they wanted to do. Most of the classes wanted to do a native bird mural. I don't know exactly what bird we are doing yet but we will probably find out soon.

Here are some pictures of some native birds in New Zealand:

Friday, 15 March 2019

Community impact projects Week 6

This week in community impact projects we are working on our plan for the projects we want to do for a chosen community. My group is doing the Hornby High School community. I wanted to go in Hornby High because I want to make the school more fun and exciting. My group thought of lots of ideas but my favourite was after school sports that the school doesn't already have, at least my favourite so far that we thought of. I think after school sports is my favourite because I love doing football / soccer on a team or just with my friends. Before I started to like football I really liked to do netball but not really now.

I think we need to ask the our teacher to ask the teacher in charge of sport / PE. Or we could write a formal letter to the sport teacher and ask about the after school sports we don't have at school. Maybe after we ask the teacher what sports we don't have we could ask the whole school some how what sport out of what our group chooses what sport they want. Or if its just yr 7 and 8 sports that we don't really have we could ask the yr 7 and 8's what sports they want after school or during morning tea / lunch. 

Drama week 7 Danni / Danielle

Today Danni, Meleana and I did a puppet show about healthy eating and trying to be healthy. Before we did that our group had to make puppets what we did earlier this week and make a script. 

Our script was about how you should eat healthy foods and why you should.

This is our video that we made:

4 things that are healthy for teenagers and pre-teens are: Yogurt with low fat and sugar, vegetables with hummus, eggs, fruit, soup, probably more that's not on this list as well.

Hope you like our work, bye


Today we did some maths with 3 other classes, 7/8 ts, 7/8 sh and 7/8 tz. We were doing something called DMIC maths.

LO: To reflect on my group work in DMIC maths.

All the 4 classes were split into 3 groups so some of the classes were in one class and the others were in other classes. Then when we got into 3 big groups we had to find a group of 4 in the class we were in. The people in my group were Ella, Sappier, Lucy and I. Our task was we had to find out 2 people that were working and making money, who was getting the most money. We had to work out how much money they were making in the holidays. We did the 2 week term holidays. The first person got $10 dollars the first day she worked and then got $1 every other day, or there was another person he was making $1 dollar on the first day but every time he worked his total doubled. So my group worked out that the boy was making more than the girl I forgot the exact number but it was more than $100.

I liked that we got to pick our groups and the task was pretty fun activity.

Thursday, 14 March 2019


Today in science we are making crystals this is how we did it.

Aim: To learn about a saturated solution and how to make crystals

Borax Crystals


1) Borax
2) A cup
3) Warn or hot water
4) Pipe cleaners
5) String a a Popsicle stick
6) Spoon


Step 1: Put 4 big spoonfuls of borax in the cup
Step 2: Put hot water in the cup
Step 3: Mix the water and borax around in the cup with a Popsicle stick
Step 4: Get 3 pipe cleaners put them in a row and then twist them
Step 5: Tie a string to the pipe cleaners
Step 6: Then put it in the water

Sugar Crystals


 1) Sugar
2) A cup
3) Warm or hot water
4) Popsicle stick
5) String
6) Spoon


Step 1: Put 4 big spoonfuls of sugar in a cup
Step 2: Put the water in the cup
Step 3: Mix the water around with the sugar and water in it
Step 4: Tie a string to the Popsicle stick
Step 5: Place the Popsicle stick in the water
Step 6: Put in on the trolley with all the other crystals

Salt Crystals


1) Salt
2) A cup
3) Warm or hot water
4) Popsicle stick
5) String
6) Spoon


Step 1: Put 4 big spoonfuls or Salt in a cup
Step 2: Put the water in the cup
Step 3: Mix the warm or hot water with the sugar in it.
Step 4: Tie a string to the Popsicle stick
Step 5: Place the Popsicle stick in the water
Step 6: Put in on the trolley with all the other crystals


Describe your crystals in the table below.

My crystals worked a little bit and it wasn't much but it was something. I had salt and it worked a bit and someone else in my group had sugar, but they didn't get anything also someone else in my group had borax, their crystals were hard but not the hardest thing ever.

Crystal Type
(Describe the shape)
(of individual crystals)
(Crumbly to Rock Hard)

Cube but a bit pointedBigger than borax is normallyPretty hard

No crystals formedNo crystals formedNo crystals formed

CubePretty small but bigger than salt isHard

What crystals worked out best and why?:




Image result for salt crystal image
Salt Crystals

Image result for sugar crystal image
Sugar Crystals

Image result for borax crystal image
Borax Crystals

7 different crystal shapes

The 7 types of crystals

Number of sides
2 examples


Image result for rhodonite





