
Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Science road show

Today I went to the science roadshow with my class (7Tz) and 7Al. We had to go to where our science rooms are and sit in the middle of the mat. First we met presenters Shane and Anna. The first thing they taught us about temperature of different things, the first thing we did about temperature was put a piece of metal in a container then they set it on fire. Then they just talked about what was the coldest degress Celsius.

After the temperature talk we experimented with all the cool things we could.

After we had one more talk and Shane got 3 volunteers . All of then were not in our class they were all in the other. One was seeing hoe much oxygen he had,  play thing and how tall we he might be when hes older.

I think it was pretty fun but I was on crutches so I couldn't do some of it.

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Why I moved from outdoor education to discovery

This term we are working on passion projects. Passion projects are something you choose to do then you do stuff involving it. I chose outdoor education and I was really enjoying it, on Mondays after morning tea we'd learn about where we were going then all day on Thursdays we'd go and do the activity. It was really fun. But after the second trip in the weekend I nearly broke my ankle so I could not go on any more trips.

So I could not do outdoor education without probably breaking my ankle so I had to change. I was pretty sad because I made some friends in their and I barely see them.

Now I'm doing discovery and the team I joined they were making a chocolate volcano cake.

Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Science 2

On Thursday or Tuesday last week we did an experiment including felt pens and liquids.

The experiment=

Aim....... To see the different colours in felt pens, and to see what colours make out the felt pen.

Hypothesis.......  At first since I did the skittle experiment at primary school but I didn't know what the felt pen one would do.

Method 1 Felt pens....... At first we had a piece of paper and we had to cut it into 5 strips to put a colour on it. Then we had to make x2 more because we had 2 liquids. After that we put the colours in the liquid and waited for the colours to separate. When we did all the colours we moved onto the skittles.

Method 2 Skittles....... When we started with the skittles our teacher gave us skittles and he told us NOT to eat them or else you wouldn't get any at the end. After that we put 5 different skittle colours in a container and put water over the skittles. We waited for 5-10 minutes then the colours stayed in their separate places until we shook the container and they combined.

Result....... The end result is that felt pens aren't made of the one colour, they are made up of a few colours. I already knew the skittle result because I did it last year at primary school.


Hope you liked this blog post, bye.


On Tuesday we did an experiment and it was called........ Red Cabbage Indicator.

We had to see how many different colours cabbage juice and different liquids could make.

First we had to get into groups the girl in my group names were Elisha Mae and Ella. 

The equipment names were: Hear proof mat, bunsen burner, tri pod, pot, test tubes, beacer.

The ingredients were: Water, red cabbage.

The first thing we did is grab our equitment and go to where we were working. After that we put water in our beacer an we also put our cabbage in at the same time. Then we put our tri pod over our bunsen burner, then we turned out bunsen burner on. We had to wait for the cabbage to boil and when it boiled we couned in our head to 2 minutes then turn the burner off.

After that we drained the juice out and put the juice into test tubes and we put different liquids in it. If it is green it is the ph level of 10. If it was red the ph level is 2. 

I hope you liked learning about what I learned about this week in science, bye

Friday, 29 June 2018

Maths DLO

Hey this is my maths DLO for this week. It's still fractions but it is a different strategy. It's pretty much about how to add fractions which equal improper fractions. Then turn them into mixed fractions. For people that don't know what to do when adding fractions or turning improper fractions into proper ones. I hope you learn something.

Here is the slide:

I hope you liked this DLO, Bye :)

Friday, 22 June 2018

My maths DLO week 8

This is my DLO for maths, I'm going to teach you how to use division for fractions I hope you like it.    

I hope you learned something, bye

Friday, 25 May 2018

Temple visit to Fo Guang Shan

On Tuesday the 22nd of May I went to a temple called Fo Guang Shan. We learned a whole lot about the finder of the temple and a whole lot more, we also learned about 3g and 4g. But we had a normal Tuesday at school until 11:45am because we had a early lunch because we had to get on the bus at 12:00pm. It was in Riccarton.

When we got there we were split into 2 groups. Group one and two. I was in group one.

3g 4g is 3 goodness and 4 giving.

When we got into our groups we all had to sit down and listen to the teacher talk. Not the Hornby High School teachers but the teachers at the temple. After we had a talk with the teachers we split back up into our groups and my group went upstairs. When we got up the steps we got to this kind of long corridor but it had like cool stuff in it.

Then when we went in a room that was a little art gallery there was a chair but there were people behind the chair so we had to get of the chair. We saw lots of art work and the teacher told us all about the art in the room.

After we were finished in the art gallery we went to the library that was in the temple. Half of the books were in Chinese and half were in English.

After the library we went out side to get water tattoos that can come off, but they were fun to put on. It was in English and Chinese again. But we were there for a little bit then we went to make something.

We were taught how to make a lotus flower. The petals were not really my colours (pink) but it was fine.

After the water tattoos we went out to have a snack, we had 2 chocolate chip cookies and water. After we ate both groups went inside to sit down and watch something.

We watched a movie about something but I forgot what the movie was about but I know it was about the temple.

Then the police came and taught us stuff about how to be a police officer and they let us touch the bulletproof and stab proof lining that was inside their jackets. Then they ask someone to come up and then one more person. Then a few people were aloud to put police suits on.

Then after that we had to go home but it was really cool and we got a wind chime before we left as well.

I really liked going there and want to go on more school trips.

Here are some photos of my group and group 2:

Hope you like my post bye.

Friday, 23 March 2018

My math DLO

This is my DLO for my maths this week. It is a screencastify to help you learn this strategy.\
My learning objective is to use my knowlage


I hope you like my DLO, bye

Thursday, 8 March 2018

My time capsule information and letter

This is my time capsule information with my letter at the bottom. We made this so we can read it when we finish Hornby High. Right now we are yr 7s on out first year.
Today's Date: 8.3.18
About Me
Name: Danielle
Age: 11
Friends: Lucy, Kya, Sharney, Alexis, Hope, Paige, Dominique, Zayd, and more I can’t name right now
Height: Don’t know exactly but I'm short

The Price of..
2 litres  of milk: $2.43 - Countdown
A can of coke: $1 - $10 - google
An iphone 7: $649 - google
My favourite fast food meal: $7 - $10
Things I like to do….
Sports: Netball and Gymnastics
Hobbies: watching youtube and read minecraft books
Something outside: Gymnastics and Swimming
My Favourite……..
Songs/singers: I like heaps I can't name them all
Movies: Goosebumps
TV show: Spongebob
Games: Minecraft
Sports / teams:
Social media sites/Apps: Youtube
Fast food: Burger king or Pizza hut
Shops / Brands:
Destination: On my bed watching youtube

What I want to achieve at Hornby High…..  To be able to not be shy in front of big group and people I don’t know

I did my art work on paper

Dear future me,

Hi 17 year old Danielle it’s 11 year old Danielle here. Congrats on finishing your level 3 test. When I’m writing this I am a year 7 on my second to third week of high school. How are finding you last year at high school, you probably love it. For me I still have a lot more years here.

One quick question is Kayden still annoying? Also does he still not let you on the Xbox because that’s what he is doing now. Also what game does he play because right now he obsessed with fortnite. He plays it before we go to school, when we get back from school and also in the weekends. Basically all the time he can he plays fortnite and never lets me play minecraft.

What do you do when your bored? I normally read the minecraft diary series or watch youtube, mainly watch youtube. I love youtube so much you can literally watch anything and be on it for hours. One time I was watching youtube and hours went by. I couldn’t believe the time it was 4 or 5pm and I thought it was 2pm.

Also what is your favourite thing to do at school? I like to hangout with friends but when I am older I think I might like to do something else but I don’t know what. I kinda want to get better at drawing and art stuff I guess.

Is Lucy, Paige and Kya still my friends? I met them when I first started Hornby High and now in the second to third week they are my friends. So since we're on the topic of friends are Alexis, Sharney and all my friends from primary still my friends. Probably not all of them but it will be cool if some of us we’re still friends.

One last question, do you still want to be one age then when you turn that age you want to be older? Like when you were 7 you wanted to be 10 and when you turned 10 you wanted to be 13. I still want to be 13 because when your 13 your a teenager, and yeah.

By 11 year old self, bye.


I'll probably be surprised when I open this but I don't know. Plus this activity was so fun and I would do it again if I had the chance. Hope you like my post, bye.

Thursday, 1 March 2018


On the 16th of February all the year 7s went sailing on a lake Rua with trained instructors, that helped us sail and be safe at the same time. First we had to get to school, and part of the fun was we could wear our own clothes. When I got there I saw no one in there uniform and mostly everyone was wearing comfy clothes. Oh and we had to put our togs underneath when we were there or before. I did it before so I didn’t have to worry.

Next at 8.30 the bell rang and everyone was lining up to be ready to go. A few minutes after that we went on the bus and we were with 7al or J2. I got pretty excited because I did this before at primary school and I was surprised we were doing it again.

When we got there we had to sit in a group and then go to our teacher. After that we got numbers on out hand it was either 1, 2 or 3. I was 2 and my friends were either 3 or 1, we were all in different groups. When we went to our group we met our instructors and started to make the boat. My buddy was my friend from primary school and we know each other very well.

When we finished making the boats we were taught how to sail them on ground. First we learned how to keep the boat straight, then pull the rope with your steering hand and finally turn around. Then it was morning tea time.

I hanged out with my friends at morning tea and we just talked about stuff we wanted to basically. After morning tea we were ready to sail on the water. We were taught exactly what to do and it was pretty fun. Oh and if you wanted to you could sit on your knees while your sailing. After we went sailing for nearly an hour we stopped and went back for lunch.

At lunch I talked with my other friends and at lunch we needed to sit down. Then Mr Mitchell said we can swim if we had our life jackets on, so most of us went in the water and swam. 10 - 20 minutes later we had to get out and go back to sailing.

My feet started to hurt 10 - 20 minutes after lunch so I sat out and watched other kids sail for a little. Then I tried to sail as much as I could with my sore ankle and it didn’t actually hurt until I got off the boat after 2 - 3 times on the boat

When we stopped after 2 hours it felt like we got off the boat and went back. We could actually swim for a little then  we had to get changed. Getting changed was the weirdest thing we had to change behind the box thingys some people put there togs on under neath. When I was changed I went to were the girls that were changed were.  After that we had to pick up some rubbish.

When we finished that we went on the bus to go back. I liked sailing on Friday and if I could do it again I would.

Hope you like my post, bye.

Monday, 26 February 2018

Nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei taonga

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